The Magic of Stage Costumes: Half Day Camp for MuseKids

On this half-day camp, our MuseKids were led by the instructors on a walk through the gorgeous and eye-dazzling stage costumes and colourful materials of Eddie Lauˇs fashion masterpieces. Inspired by Eddieˇs creative ideas at the workshop afterwards, they designed costumes for themselves on the themes of peacocks, panthers and flowers and then took to the catwalk to show off their work and become little fashion superstars!

The instructor gives a vivid introduction to the creative elements
in the stage costumes of fashion master Eddie Lau.

MuseKids use colourful materials to create their masterpieces.

Strike a pose, little superstars!

Following the music, the MuseKids proudly march in with their works.
Itˇs a whir of cameras and clicking shutters as their parents snap the best shots.

Iˇm a superstar, yeah!

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