

德拉克魯茲的畫作《塗層》(1997) 是《每日畫作》系列(1995-9) 其中一幅作品。作品表現她自史拉特藝術學院讀書時期已經掌握、至今依然不斷嘗試的一種技巧。首先以橫向的大筆觸於畫布上塗上一層光滑的單色顏料,可以是塑膠彩或油彩;然後再以各種手法將畫面解構和修改,使之變得面目全非,而且有別於傳統繪畫。德拉克魯茲將這種繪畫手法運用到雕塑上,同時亦將其他隨手拾來的物件和家具加入作品中。她說:「一天,我將畫架的橫桿除下來後,畫布就折彎了。自此我就將畫視為一種物件看待。」


其他主要的個展包括︰「工作」 (波爾圖文化中心,葡萄牙,2006);安娜.舒沃茲畫廊(墨爾本,2005),以及CAAC (塞維亞,西班牙,2005);利森畫廊(倫敦,2004),及維哥當代藝術博物館(MARCO)(西班牙,2004);安東尼.維京遜畫廊(倫敦,2001);約翰.韋伯畫廊(紐約,2000)。2002年任澳洲柏斯教堂畫廊駐館藝術家,2004年任都柏林愛爾蘭現代藝術館駐館藝術家。

Angela De La Cruz

Angela de la Cruz was born in 1965 in La Coruña, Spain. She studied philosophy at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain before moving to London to attend Chelsea College of Art, Goldsmiths College and the Slade School of Art, where she studied sculpture and critical theory.

De la Cruz’s painting Coat (1997) belongs to a series called Everyday Paintings (1995-9) and shows a technique she has developed since her days as a student at the Slade, and continues to experiment with today. She begins with a glossy monochrome layer of paint, either acrylic or oil, which is made up of large horizontal brush strokes. The canvas is then subjected to manipulative and destructive techniques that render the traditional form of the painting unrecognisable. Her approach to painting spills over into sculpture and de la Cruz often incorporates found objects and furniture into her work. She said “One day, I took the crossbar out and the painting bent. From that moment on, I looked at the painting as an object”.

In 2005 de la Cruz was midway through organising a European tour of her work when she suffered a brain haemorrhage. She was in a coma for several months, during which time she gave birth to her daughter. De la Cruz is still recovering, but with the help of assistants began to work again last year. The 2010 exhibition After, held at the Camden Arts Centre, was de la Cruz’s first UK solo show in a public gallery, and it was for this show that she received a nomination for the 2010 Turner Prize.

Other major solo exhibitions include Trabalho/Work, Culturgest, Porto, Portugal in 2006; Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne and Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla, Spain in 2005; Lisson Gallery, London and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo, MARCO, Spain in 2004; Anthony Wilkinson Gallery, London in 2001 and John Weber Gallery, New York in 2000. In 2002 she was the artist in residence at Church Gallery in Perth, Australia and then two years later at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin.