


在《初次約會》(2004) 裡,阿卡薩運用了一套富意識形態意味的「白上白」語言。多塊幾何形體起伏浮現,在奶白色投映幕上前進後退,讓人不禁聯想起英國抽象藝術先驅賓.尼高遜(1894–1982)早期的白色浮雕,又或者是勒•柯布西耶的廊香教堂那穿通的外牆。投映局限在建築物空間內,建築物的靜態現代主義與投映幕上不斷滾動的形體對立着。作品把玩着深度和平面、虛與實的空間概念。一種像幻覺似的起伏轉動,迫使觀眾對這些形象產生不同的聯想,而這作品亦表現了在平面上創造時間延績性的概念。


Haluk Akakçe

Haluk Akakçe was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1970. He studied architecture at Bilkent University in Ankara, and then received an MFA in video and performance at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He currently lives and works in London and New York where he mainly produces videos which incorporate elements of painting, architecture, sculpture and sound.

Haluk Akakçe’s work includes animated video projections, wall paintings and sound installations, revealing abstract and dream-like landscapes where biology, architecture, geometry and metaphysics coexist. The works draw from an eclectic set of aesthetic references: Celtic and Islamic architecture, Art Deco, science-fiction, American comic books and current fashions. The visual texture of the animations is familiar from computer games and pop videos, yet this reclamation of a form of contemporary popular culture creates a new formal language for gallery-based art.

In Blind Date (2004) Akakçe employs an ideologically laden white on white language. The endlessly mutating geometric reliefs which emerge and retreat from the milky white ground recall pioneering British abstract artist Ben Nicholson’s (1894–1982) early white reliefs, or the pierced façade of Le Corbusier's chapel at Ronchamp. The projection works within the architectural confines of the space, the contrast between the static modernism of the building and the endless scrolling forms on the screen plays with the idea of depth and flatness, of positive and negative spatial values. A kind of hallucinatory rolling motion forces the viewer to bring their own associations to the forms, while the work demonstrates the idea of creating duration within a plane.

Akakçe has exhibited extensively in Britain and internationally. Selected exhibitions include Deitch Projects, New York, 2009; Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, CAAM Las Palmas, Spain, and Museo Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, 2005; Tate Britain, London, 2004; Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel, 2003 and The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Shanghai Biennial and the Bienal de São Paulo, 2002.