The Golden Age of Couture: Paris and London 1947–1957

Thematic Galleries 3, 4 & 5
30 May 2009 - 28 September 2009
'A Salute to Masters' Programme Series


Once a client had seen the new collection, she would place her order. The majority of commissions were for day wear and suits.

Day wear included casual ensembles (ensembles simples), morning suits (tailleurs du matin), casual afternoon suits (robes d'après-midi simples) and sophisticated dress suits (tailleurs habillés).

Hardy Amies wrote, 'It is often forgotten that we execute orders: we do not sell clothes. If you went into the Boutique you would buy a suit, but if you walk upstairs you order a suit. At the fittings you will be able to express your desires as to the position and finish of many details. The whole process should be a harmonious co-operation between designer, tailor and customer, with the saleswoman as a sort of referee.'