

康奈妮亚.柏卡是雕塑及装置艺术家。她的作品题材源于对日常对象的操控、解构以及重新解读,扎根于事物的根本源由,且总是带着一丝暴力的因子。《冷暗物质:一个爆开的景象》(1991) 是柏卡早期最著名的作品之一。一个起初被置于奇森海尔画廊中装满园艺工具的小棚,后来被移至另一处由英军定点引爆;其碎片被搬回画廊,并悬挂在天花板上;由一只亮着的电灯泡照射而产生幢幢阴影,就像重返爆炸前的瞬间。除此以外,在作品《三十块银子》(1988-9)中,柏卡压平了一千件银器;在《总有一天这块玻璃会碎》(1995)中,她用枪把一条珍珠项链射入一套西装里;法国恶名远播的皇后玛丽.安托瓦内特因犯叛国罪而被送上断头台,柏卡就用那砍头刀将物品切碎。她的另一组发人深省的著名作品《或许》(1995),在伦敦蛇形画廊展示了女演员蒂达.史温顿在玻璃柜里睡觉的姿态。



Cornelia Parker

Cornelia Parker was born in Cheshire, England in 1956. Between 1980 and 1982, she attended University of Reading to study Fine Art and is now based in London where she lives and works.

Cornelia Parker is a sculptor and installation artist. Her work involves the manipulation, deconstruction and rereading of ‘everyday’ objects. With a strong rooting into the history of such things, there is also a common thread of violence that underlies her work. Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View (1991) is one of Parker’s most famous early works. A shed full of garden implements was placed in Chisenhale Gallery before being removed and exploded in a controlled blast carried out by the British Army. The fragments were then brought back into the gallery and suspended from the ceiling and lit from a single bulb in order to create dramatic shadows, as if to recreate the split second moment before the blast. As well as blowing things up, Parker has flattened a thousand silver objects for Thirty Pieces of Silver (1988-9), fired a pearl necklace from a gun into a suit for the work One Day This Glass Will Break (1995) and sliced through objects with the guillotine that once beheaded Marie Antoinette, the infamous Queen of France who was convicted of treason. Another of her famous, and more contemplative works, The Maybe (1995), involved displaying actress Tilda Swinton sleeping within a vitrine at the Serpentine Gallery, London.

Meteorite lands….(1998) are part of a series of works created as part of Parker’s ongoing fascination with meteorites. Each work was made using a found piece of meteorite from Namibia, called Gibeon Meteorite, that dates back to 1836. This piece of rock was then heated and placed on enlarged maps of the UK, commonly known as A to Z’s. The placing of the rock in each of the works is different with the locations underneath representing some well known, as well as lesser known, landmarks. As the rock is removed, just a charred edged hole remains, revealing the burnt, fragile layers of paper. In this way, Parker evokes an apocalyptic sensation where the meteor encapsulates a fear of the unknown and highlights our helplessness against the forces of nature.

In 1997, Cornelia Parker was shortlisted for the Turner Prize. Recent solo shows include BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, 2010; Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2008; Frith Street Gallery, 2008 and Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2007. Major group shows include Days Like These, Tate Triennial, Tate Britain, London, 2003 and the British Art Show, McLellan Galleries, Glasgow; Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds; Hayward Gallery, London, 1990.