



韦伯活跃于英国本土及海外展览,个展包括︰白教堂画廊(伦敦,1978及1987);赫塞霍恩博物馆 (华盛顿,1990);以及奥克兰画廊巡回展 (1997)。此外,亦曾参与展览「祝好运」 (法里德里斯安林博物馆,卡塞尔;奥克兰画廊,1999)。近期展出有「垦玛系列24」(彭博空间,伦敦,2010)。1995年代表新西兰出席悉尼双年展。

Boyd Webb

Boyd Webb was born in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1947 and later settled in London, studying sculpture at the Royal College of Art, London in 1972. He lives and works in Brighton, UK.

He began to make life-casts of people in fibreglass, arranging them into scenes, but soon rejected the practice as costly and cumbersome and took to photography. The artist has said that he used photography because it is “an essential tool of the age and that it is a flexible medium, capable of being stretched in many directions. Tolerant of much abuse it always retains an inherent honesty— it can reproduce with great clarity even the most featureless of man-made materials”. Webb’s subversive play on the “inherent honesty” of the medium provides the tension between the real and the imagined in his deceptive and theatrical tableaux.

Webb’s mysterious and elaborate photographic compositions are created from constructed sets built by the artist in his studio. His early works concern the underlying relationship of man with nature and provide an allegorical implication of man’s disregard for humanity that may lead to nature’s final revenge. Tethered Ray (1981) is one such work that reveals the inner imagination of Webb’s consciousness. The scene he creates reveals a ray seemingly gliding along the sea bed but on close inspection appears to be chained to the ground. A source of light shines onto the flat, boneless fish giving a theatrical atmosphere and leads the viewer to question how such a graceful and harmless creature could be held in such constraints, no longer free to roam the deep ocean.

Webb has exhibited both in the UK and abroad with solo shows at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1978 and 1987; Hirschhorn Museum, Washington DC, 1990 and the Auckland Art Gallery touring exhibition, 1997. Webb was also included in Toi Toi Toi, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, and Auckland Art Gallery, 1999. He recently presented at Comma 24 at Bloomberg Space, London, 2010. He represented New Zealand in the Sydney Biennale in 1995.